Friday, May 15, 2009

Park fun with BI Families

Gavin had his first encounter with the Braille Institute today. We met some other families in Moreno Valley at a park. The other children were also visually impaired, and one little girl who is two, has similar assumptions of diagnosis as Gavin. It was nice to see her up close and interact with us. I had Gavin sit right next to her on the table, and she felt her way around his leg and feet. He felt her back, and was rubbing her arm. It was adorable to see! He sat so still right next to her. It's funny how it is not taught, but the fingers and hands become their eyes.

Gavin will be visited by the at-home teacher starting next week. She will work on his development, and make sure he stays on track. From what she observed today, she said his visual impairment is not negatively impacting his development (speech, motor skills, etc..). We hope that continues, and she will work with him, and me. She felt he was right on with where he should be, which is what his pediatrician says as well. I notice him not sitting up with much strength yet, but that will all come. I'm so excited we are meeting other families. I know he's young and probably unaware, but it meant a lot to me for him to sit right next to that little girl, who has been through what he is going through. I looked at these two little people, and it was encouraging to see their interaction. It moved me, and they had not a clue!

We are hoping to meet with the other familes on a regular basis. It will be nice to see each others children grow and mature as well as share stories, concerns, and triumphs.

We came home with a whole bag of resources for Troy and I. We received our first hands-on braille primer booklet. Landon got his first lesson tonight after dinner. I want him to want to learn braille as well, and he does. We learned a few letters. Braille can be very complex, it's way more than dots representing letters. There are so many layers to it (which I had NO idea). I want to take a 3 day crash course, in the upcoming months (anyone wanna join?). :)

We also have registered for the Families Connecting with Families International Conference. It is in July, and it's a whole weekend event packed with hands on resources, doctors, loads of info, etc. I'm SO excited!

His first tooth also broke through yesterday. (Yes, I got misty eyed - what a sap!)

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