Sunday, March 1, 2009

4 month checkup

Gavin had some shots on Friday, as well as a physical. This is the first time his pediatrician has seen us since the diagnosis, and when he walked in, he had a look of empathy. His doctor is a very quiet, kind, man. We love Dr. Warren! He sat and talked with us, and explained that Gavin is his first patient with vision loss. He mentioned one patient a few years back who had cataracts, and had a lens transplant, but nothing as severe and extreme as Gavin. He sat with us for a while, and we talked and talked.

Gavin is a thriving 4 month old. This was his 4 month checkup, even though he is 5 months tomorrow. His original 4 month checkup was pushed back due to our other appointments. I actually did a "mommy uh oh" and overlooked his appt a few weeks back, but we were in the midst of the diagnosis week, so I think I will let this slide without beating myself up too badly. He weighs in at 17 pounds, and he said his muscle tone is fantastic. He had planned to possibly send us to a physical therapist to work on some muscle development for him before he saw him. After examining him, and just watching him for a few minutes, he realized he does not need it. Most babies learn by mimic and sight (at this stage). Objects are enticing, as well as colors and familiar faces. Babies being interested in this, they want to move and look and turn their heads. Gavin doesn't do this. He moves based on sound, and his doctor said, as a whole, vision impaired (as well as hearing impaired) children tend to be delayed in their development. I thought Gavin was, and although he is a little slower, and put next to another 4 month old, he may not move like they do - but his doctor said he is doing just fine. He is rolling over (back to tummy). His neck control is good, although he looks down a lot (he's not enticed to look up).

He was happy with where he was, and we will make sure he stays on track. If at his 6 month well visit, he shows signs of delays, we will consider physical therapy. As for now, his muscle dexterity, his constant babbling (along with laughing and interactive "talk") is progressing as it should. He is in the 70th percentile for his age (which is funny because Landon was always like 5 percentile). I will start him on some rice cereal and veggies after his procedure on Wednesday. I was very happy to know he is on track and I have hope these areas will just continue to improve as he gets some work from the in-home teachers very soon.


  1. Jen, here' the link for the Upland studio for the blind. I'm going to be starting late April.

    We love Dr. Warren:) (Dr McDreamy) lol

  2. Hey Jen It's Emily. Glad to hear Gavin is on track! I just thought It was funny because Nathaniel and Aiden's doctor is Dr. Warren and I just love him! We will be keeping your family in prayers and we send our love!

  3. What great news to hear that Gavin is thriving just wonderful. He's such a cutie and I'm so glad I got to see him on Saturday. I wish we could have talked a lil more. We do need to get together though. We're praying for you, Gavin and your family. Huggs


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