The size of this star (VY Canis Majoris) being almost 5,000 light years away, and over 2,100 times the size of our sun. Over two thousand times that of the sun! How can you even imagine that?
Holy Ginormous!
I have always said not being able to share scenic pictures of nature and the world with Gavin, is what can instantly bring me to some heavy sighs. Yes, he will see it differently, but the visual beauty is what I am talking about. Especially when I gaze to the heavens on a clear night in the desert.
Instantly, as with much of science when I read about the realm which exists outside of our galaxy, I am reminded how we are just a speck of dust in all that exists. You would think we, as humans, would unite and align ourselves in a way which bans together the human race. How did I go from talking about my nerdy star to my philosphy of life? I'm not quite sure. What I do know is, I am tired of the lack of focus at times from some of my fellow my fellow humans, with whom we share the same planet, sun, air and water.
Speaking of outer space, maybe if the world were put on high alert, and attacked from some type of Extra Terrestial beings, the world would unite and be one. Maybe? The political parties constantly fighting and bickering, would stop. People not having respect for our President (walk a mile in his shoes), regardless of what your political party subscription may be, would end. It's amazing that some people think that there is not a human behind that title. Those who religiously practice their faith (or not), but yet are so quick to judge and criticize, would cease. Those who bully one another, attacks against one another based solely on your sexual preference, surface judgements based on how fat, thin, ugly, charming, happy, sad, poor, rich, or how much money you make (that you spend), would stop.
These are some of the conversations that make up what we discuss (by we, I mean me as well), and yet, in all that is important, our existence is something much more than what we can humanly comprehend. I cannot begin to understand the power of ALL that is life, and that extends to the depths of the ocean, to the darkness of the galaxy. We are at the mercy of our own mortality, we live life breath to breath (thank you Ronnie Dunn). We focus so much of where we want to be, who we want to be, than right now. Now is what is guaranteed. This very breath. Yet, we tend to fill those breaths with ugliness, hatred, criticism and persecution.
We are a speck of dust, figuratively speaking! A very important, smart, soul bearing speck, but a speck nonetheless. We are so small, yet so powerful and yet we tend to focus on not being cohesive with our existence as humans.
Raising children keeps you on your toes, and knowing that the home environment is shaping and molding the center of who my kids are... puts some weight on your shoulders. The more I try to explain (especially to my very bright 7 year old), and keep my eye on what is important, the more I feel I am exposed to the negative that exists. Hence my little rant.
Can't we just be the human race, and be thankful we exist and that we are here?
See what science does to me. Am I just cranky and old?
Back to my star. Who would have thought VY Canis Majoris would bring so much clarity, and prompt a blog post. Thank you gigantor star, again I am reminded of what is important, just by trying to imagine the sheer size of what you are, versus the size of me.
"Individually we are one drop. Together we are an ocean"
Disclaimer: I respect opinions, I don't expect everyone to agree, it's what makes us great.